Intro to 3D Graphics
a software renderer
Game Development Technology
an unreal modification
Console Development
a psp project

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Collaberative Unreal Project

This week we've been assigned the rather epic task of making the whole of the Westfield Centre, in the centre of Derby, in Unreal Tournament 2004. We've split it up into 4 different sections; upstairs, downstairs, the cinema and the market. I'm in the downstairs group which has involved some work with the upstairs lot to make sure that the main area of the centre will be correctly scaled and such. I'm personally working on reproducing Sainsburys, which I was happy to do as it's probably the shop I know most (or know at all for that matter). My first bit of work on it has been getting the scale right, which I think I just about have though it can be hard to tell. I've also produced the entrance with the security barriers and railings.

I think that they've come out quite well. I designed them by originally using CSG and then converting them to a static mesh, which are a lot more efficient for objects like this, and they don't have problems with holes and visibility. Next I'll be working on the tills and possibly shelves.

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